Friday, September 26, 2014

Diet and Fertility Go Hand-in-Hand

I’m sure that there are times when you may think, “Why are so many women getting pregnant and I can’t?”

Maybe you or someone you know has already an Hysterosalpingography (HSG) or a Laparoscopy done at the physician’s office and then lost hope of having a baby naturally. There is at least one factor that most women with infertility do not consider: diet.

I am not saying that one’s diet is the cure-all for infertility. There may be other factors prohibiting your fertility, but I will go over that in future blogs. Plus, there might be some other helpful information in the free PDF that you can download from my link. Moreover, you might be thinking, “ diet causing infertility? C’mon.”

When we take a look at the areas that have overpopulation such as: China, Philippines (like me), India, and the list goes on, we see the Eastern diet is so far different than the Western diet. We have seen on the news over and over again of the unhealthy preservatives have in our fast food, cereals, boxed food, and even in the canned food that really don’t need preservatives at all. Now do you see the point to where I am getting?

The various food we eat can either increase or decrease our immune systems. Do you often times become ill? If so, will be able to handle a living being? So, let’s start thinking about eating healthy.

Food that we eat gives us energy but the same food can also affect our hormones as well. Pregnant women often feel hormonal with mood-swings. Even women who are pregnant need to watch more of what they eat. So, we need to think of you as eating as though you are already pregnant. We need to get the correct vitamins and minerals balanced in your system starting yesterday. Forgive me for sounding like a “hippy” but organic food (without pesticides, inorganic fertilizers, and meat with hormones) need to be taken out of your diet. You and I both know this is good for your husband too. Get him supportive by telling him how awesome he looks and that he might start looking more like Brad Pitt if he eats healthier. You would be amazed how awesome you will feel after eating the proper diet for a few days. The best food for protein would be nuts, tofu, and a variety of seeds.

A healthy ovum requires alpha-linolenic acid. Alpha-linolenic acid helps the ovum have perfect shape for reproduction. We can find alpha-linolenic acid in food like: green leafy vegetables, soy, broccoli, and eggs. Even though fish can contain alpha-linolenic acid, it contains a lot of mercury which can be the antithesis of what we are trying to accomplish-making you a fertile super hero.

Eat more cruciferous vegetables that can lower your pH balance. A high acidity rate is not good for your reproductive system at all. Many cruciferous vegetables contain vitamin K. Vitamin K is a nutrient that helps regulate our inflammatory response, including chronic, excessive inflammatory responses that can increase our risk of certain cancers as well. I suggest when cooking these vegetable, that they be steamed. If you boil them, the nutrients will go back into the water. I have listed below the various cruciferous vegetables to aid in your system:

  • Collard greens
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Turnips
  • Arugula
  • Broccoli
  • Daikon radish
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Land cress
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Horseradish
  • Radish
  • Cabbage
  • Mustard greens
  • Watercress

As I am sure you are aware, since many cattle farmers are injecting their cows with hormones, this is also going straight to the milk of the beloved bovine. So, try to stay away from dairy products. Soy milk works just as well and contains estrogen. My husband was upset to find that out. He loves soy milk and joked around that he didn’t want to grow breasts.

Most of all, try to stay away from caffeine and over the counter (OTC) drugs. Of course these can also affect your acidity levels and hormone imbalance. Junk food contains so many preservatives it makes the average dietitian’s head spin.

Many of the books we offer on the side of this blog have lengthy information of the foods you should or should not eat. They have been very helpful to my personal friends who have gotten pregnant when things looked bleak for them. If you find my information helpful, feel free to comment below. Also, don’t forget to sign up to be on our emailing list and receive your free PDF. I love getting to know people and helping them along the way if I can.

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